
Trademark Registration

Trademarks refer to your company’s unique identity, which distinguishes your service or product from the competition. A company’s unique expression or identity may be a color combination, graphics, smell, sound, word, slogan, photograph, or a logo. However, most companies usually conduct trademark registration for their name or logo.

Trademark Objection

A Trademark is one of the Intellectual Property Rights which provides right over a unique logo or word(s) s) or graphics. The Trademark registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 is governed by the Controller General Of Patents, Designs and Trademarks falling under the Ministry Of Industry and Commerce.

Trademark Opposition

File a trademark opposition online for any trademark application which is published in the Trademark Journal. Opposition must be filed with 3 months

Trademark Renewal

Trademark renewal application can be filed before or after the end of validity date to extend the validity by 10 years. File trademark renewal applications online.

Accounting Bookkeeping Service

Accounting & Bookkeeping Services is the most time-consuming part of any business after the company registration is completed, as the saying goes focus on your business and leave the complexity of accounting & bookkeeping to the experts